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AMO-TEatro Festival

Organized by the Experimental Theater of the People's House of Camacha, the AMO-TEatro festival aims to promote and disseminate the work developed in the area of theater, not only nationally, but also internationally, bringing to the stage several groups of amateur and professional artists.

The event takes place in March and already has 2019 with ten editions. This Madeira theater show is presented in Several concert halls in the region, such as the Camacha People's House Auditorium, Baltazar Dias Municipal Theater, Machico Forum and Maria Ascensão Theater, as well as in other unusual spaces such as streets and bars, making it dynamic in several locations in Camacha and the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

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This platform gathers historical, tourist and cultural information about the Municipality of SANTA CRUZ - Madeira Island, Portugal

© 2020 by CMSC | Text collection and editing: Gabinete de Turismo | Translation: Gabriela Magalhães and Leonilde Olim | Photography: CMSC (all rights reserved)

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