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The SANTAFAZ event takes place at the end of June, when the municipality celebrates its elevation to village. It is an outdoor event, to be held a bit throughout the village with lots of animation and various shows, with a special focus on Praça Patrocínio Alves, where the main concerts take place.

"From Tradition to Contemporaneity", SANTAFAZ intends to become a cultural festival, aiming to promote an eclectic and diversified offer. It has as main axes to dignify the traditional cultural manifestations and ethnographic identity, allying itself to a fresh new axis of contemporaneity.

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This platform gathers historical, tourist and cultural information about the Municipality of SANTA CRUZ - Madeira Island, Portugal

© 2020 by CMSC | Text collection and editing: Gabinete de Turismo | Translation: Gabriela Magalhães and Leonilde Olim | Photography: CMSC (all rights reserved)

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